Blocksworld is getting an official REVIVAL! Contribute to the Kickstarter!

Blocksworld Old Title

made by Alex145837

Ripped by Skyeari, and i've fixed it with Audacity. it should be for people who wants the Old Title Back..

Install Instructions (Blocksworld Launcher and Steam)

  1. Open Steam
  2. Go to Library tab
  3. Select Blocksworld, right-click and click on Properties..
  4. Select tab Local Files and click on Explore Local Files..
  5. From the newly opened window, go into directory Blocksworld_Data
  6. Go into directory StreamingAssets
  7. Extract all the files from the .zip file you just downloaded to the opened directory.
  8. Launch Blocksworld!

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AkelahWednesday, June 29th 2022 02:37:18 UTC


LongTailCat3Thursday, December 24th 2020 16:53:49 UTC

I'm not using steam....

The best thing to happen since sliced bread.

the best mod of all time